My clicks

My clicks


Kairi lonche(Green mango pickle)

Kairi(Green mango) 2 medium size
Red chili 2 tbs
Salt 1 tbs
Hing 1/2 tbs
Rai(mustard) 1 tbs
Oil 2 tbs
Turmeric powder 1/2 tbs

Heat oil in a pan.
Add rai(mustard) in oil.
Add hing in oil.
Off the gas.
Keep a side this oil(approximately for 30 min).
Now cut kairy(green mango) in small pieces.
Add red chili,turmeric powder, salt in kairi (mango) and mix it well.
Now add cooled oil and mix it well.
Its ready to eat now.
You can keep this in refrigerator.
It will last for 2-3 week if you store it in refrigerator.